Practical Consciousness
from autopilot to decision-maker
A self-development program that is founded by the Estonian author and kriya yoga master teacher Ingvar Villido and is based on his in-depth investigations which led him to fundamental discoveries about human life.
Most of us operate often on autopilot – we don’t understand our emotions and reactions and don’t know how to handle them. Practical Consciousness will show you HOW to turn from autopilot to a decision-maker and access the qualities of consciousness to achieve an ongoing state of flow in your life.
Northern European roots
Ingvar Villido is born in Estonia and his roots explain why the method is as it is. He developed techniques as simple and clear as possible, to make ancient knowledge accessible to nowadays people:
- detailed and precise as 1-2-3 – small talk is not our thing
- easy to use on your own – you don’t need third-party to be able to help yourself
- instant results – once you understand how the technique works, it has an immediate effect
Practical Consciousness courses
To guarantee you the best possible progress, Practical Consciousness classes build on one another. I & II creates a strong basis and a new level of understanding of the world within. That’s where you get the fundamentals to start creating a new quality in your life. Every next course goes a step further.
Beyond mindfulness
Even though Practical Consciousness will teach you the basics of mindfulness – how to be aware, witness, and observe your emotions and thoughts from distance – it will take you a step further and give you also the techniques that give you the freedom to decide what you allow yourself to feel or think. To release the unwanted. To create your own reality.
How you feel depends very directly on what kind of emotions and thoughts occupy your mind. The ability to navigate your inner world and know how to create the change you want to see will show you the way to a new level of happiness that doesn't depend on others.
Method, that has helped thousands of people in 15 years
Your inner potential
Emotional reactions and thought patterns often carry on from generation to generation
and seem to limit our outlook on life.
Where you come from does not have to define where you're going.
Take the driver's seat in your life back to you.
Practical Consciousness - the book
If you are not able to attend the course, but can't wait to get started and start learning, then Practical Consciousness book is an amazing opportunity to do just that. From the book you'll learn:
- where emotions originate in your body
- how to release disturbing emotions quickly and smoothly
- how to remove hidden emotions that sap your energy
- how to quiet “inner chatter” with a simple five-second technique
- how to recognize your true self, a genuinely life-changing experience